multi-device interaction, bibliography

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The bibliography is divided into two sections.

1. interaction in heterogenous multi-device computing environments

Present-day information work is characterized by the proliferation of digital devices, ranging from desktop PCs and laptops to various types of handhelds. Moreover, diverse I/O devices exist, such as keyboards, mice, displays, printers, and projectors, as well as accessories such as cables, adapters, docking stations, and storage media. Several open questions are related to the proliferation of devices: To what extent are they utilized in different combinations? What is achieved by having multiple devices instead of only one? How is order achieved amidst possible problems?

Chalmers, M. and Galani, A. (2004). Seamful interveawing: heterogeneity in the theory and design of interac-tive systems. In DIS'04: Proceedings of SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, ACM Press, New York, pp. 243–252.

Dearman, D., & Pierce, J. (2008). "It's on my other computer!" Computing with multiple devices. To appear in CHI'08: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in computing systems, ACM Press, New York.

Grudin, J. (2001). Partitioning digital worlds: Focal and peripheral awareness in multiple monitor use. In CHI'01: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2001, ACM Press, New York, pp. 458–465.

Mainwaring, S.D., Anderson, K., Chang, M.F. (2005). Living for the global city: Mobile kits, urban interfaces, and ubicomp. In Proceedings of Ubicomp 2005, Springer-Verlag, pp. 268–286.

Nardi, B. and O’Day V. (1999). Information Ecologies: Using Technology with Heart. MIT Press.

Oulasvirta, A. & Sumari, L. (2007). Mobile kits and laptop trays: Managing multiple devices in mobile informa-tion work. In CHI '07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press, New York .

Oulasvirta, A. (2008). When users "do" the ubicomp. interactions, 15 (2&3).

Perry, M., O'Hara, K., Sellen, A., Brown, B., & Harper, R. (2001). Dealing with mobility: understanding access anytime, anywhere. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 8 (4), 323-347.

Weiser, M. (1991). The computer for the 21st century. Scientific American, 265 (3), 66-73.

2. theoretical basis: re-thinking the concept of practice

In longer-term it is necessary to develop the conceptual basis of HCI by substituting the concept of “action” by that of “practice”. The concept of practice provides a more process-oriented, contextual and  societal approach to describing human conduct than the widely adopted, instrumentally-oriented concept of action. Practice also supports inclusion of the role of tools in the analysis of human of conduct.  Moreover, practice-oriented analysis of conduct enables connecting actions with their meaning.

Hollan, J., Hutchins, E., & Kirsh, D. (2000). Distributed cognition: Toward a new foundation for human-computer interaction research. ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 7 (2), 174-196.

Ihde, J. (1990). Technology and the Lifeworld. From Garden to Earth. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Lee, J. & See, K. (2004). Trust in automation: designing for appropriate reliance. Human Factors, 26 (1), 50-80.

Luff, P. ,& Heath, C. (1998). Mobility in collaboration. In Proceedings of CSCW ‘98, ACM Press, New York, 305-314.

Norros, L. (2005). The concept of habit in an activity-theoretical analysis of situated actions. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 6 (5), 385-408.

Rajaonah, B., Aneceaux, F. & Venne, F. (2006). Study of driver trust during cooperation with adaptive cruise control. Le Travail Humain, 69 (2), 99-127.

Tolmie, P., Pycock, J., Diggins, T., MacLean, A., and Karsenty, A. (2002). Unremarkable computing. In CHI'02: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2002, ACM Press, New York, pp. 399–406.

Vera, A.H., & Simon, H. (1993.) Situated action: A symbolic interpretation. Cognitive Science 17, 7-48.

Woods, D.D. & Hollnagel, E. (2006). Joint Cognitive Systems - Patterns in Cognitive Systems Engineering. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis.

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